Monday, September 15, 2014

What did you know about the Hydrologic Cycle

Look at the sky,it is very cloudy and rain will be occur? but, did you understand how rain can occur? water in the surface of earth is part of a natural resource that is in need on our life,early history of life on earth until now everything from the water and after millions of years,then most of the life forms that adapt to the main land, comparison between water and land areas on the earth's surface is approximately 75% : 25% its mean that about three-quarters of earth's surface is water area.

  The highest volume presentation of water is on the sea, thus the amount of water on earth is very much a salt water,while the water is needed for life on land is actually fresh water relatively few in number,fresh water comes from  the sea water after going through  the hydro logic cycle,what did you know about the hydrologic cycle before? Hydrologic cycle is a series  of water transfer process from one place to another place through evaporation,condensation,and rain and finally flows back in to place, or hydrologic cycle is a series of earth's surface water migration process from one place to other place to go back to their places of origin.

  Most of the earth's surface is water,either sea water, rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers, and water vapor in the atmosphere, ocean, and sea water if exposed to hot sun will evaporate, then will move vertically, if it reaches a certain point will condense, it means having process of condensation, and rain will fall in to the water, and will return to the sea again, as well as sea water vapor which moves horizontally toward the mainland suffered the same process if it reaches a certain point will condense and rain will fall into the water, rainwater falls on land partly absorbed into the soil and partly flows into the ocean,the water in lakes, rivers, and swamps are also experiencing the same process as the sea water, which is from some where then undergoes a process and will back into origin place. now, you know how rain can occur.

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