We have know fungi in every day life, although not as good as other plants, it is caused, fungi grow only at certain times and in certain circumtances that support, and limited life time, for example, many fungi appear during the rainy season, in rotten wood, litter, and a pile of straw, however this fungus die soon affer the dry season arrives, fungi are composed of basic components called hyphae. Hyphae from a network called mycelium, mycelium preparing false braid into fruiting bodies, hyphae in parasitic fungi usually be modified to haustoria, which is an organ of food absorbent substrates. All fungi are heterotrophic, but in contrast to other organisms, fungi do not eat and digest food, fungi absorb organic subtances from the environment through the hyphae and mycelium, then store it in the form of glycogen, because the fungus is a consumer, then the fungus depends on the substrate that provides carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and other chemical compounds, all substances were obtained from their environment.
By way of reproduction and body structure, fungi were divided into four division, namely zygomycotina, ascomicotina, basidiomycotina, and also devteromycotina. Zygomycotina, this fungus lives as a saprophyte or a parasite, a type of fungus of zygomycotina including rhizopus orizae, better know as “Tempe” fungus, as used for fermentation soybeans in the manufacture of tempe phylobollus who life in dung, cunninghamella, parasitic on pine trees and choanephora curcubitaceae parasite on plants, glomus and gigasphora, forming a symbiotic mutualism with a wide variety of plants, including agricultural crops, therefore, both these fungi in use as a biological fertilizer, ascomycotina some types of ascomycotina members are sacharomicess and pennicillium, basidiomycotina, is an esample of this fungus is volvoriella volvacea, deutromycotina, for example of this fungus is mycrosporum.
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