Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Jellyfish is the nature Biotechnology

Some animals can produce the light such as a jellyfish, the nature of which can produce this light is a genetic trait,in the jellyfish's body there is a specific genetic code that encodes a protein that is fluorescent or may be phosphorescent,through the principles of biotechnology humans can insert genes coding for proteins in rabbits and plants,consequently rabbits and plants able to emit the light like a jellyfish,did you know about the biotechnology? Biotechnology is a technology that utilizes the organism or its parts to obtain goods and services on an industrial scale to meet the needs of humans,or can also be defined as the use of engineering principles and the organism,system,or biological processes to produce or enhance the potential of organisms and produce the product and services for the benefit of humans.

  Biotechnology can be differentiated into two types,namely conventional biotechnology and bioengineering modern,conventional biotechnology or traditional biotechnology is the biotechnology process that uses microorganisms, biochemical processes,and natural genetic processes,in addition to the conventional biotechnological process is still using techniques and  equipment are simple, for example of the conventional biotechnology in the production of tapai from cassava,meanwhile modern biotechnology is not only manipulates the environmental conditions and growth media but also manipulation done on the arrangement of genes in the chromosomes of living creature that is in use,one of the advantage of the modern biotechnology is an organism that can produce new properties that different in its nature,examples of the modern biotechnology such as tissue culture, cloning, IVF techniques, recombinant DNA,and protoplasm fusion.

  Biotechnology can be applied in the field of food,agriculture and and animal husbandry, medicine and health,and the environment.

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