The earth is the only planet that has life, the earth is a planet which has the third closest distance from the sun, and the earth is also the only planet occupied by humans, the earth has only one natural satellite such as the moon, the earth has the structure layer, layer structure consisting of the crust of the earth or lithosphere, astenosphere, earth's core or barisfer, and relief of the earth.
Structure of the first layer of the earth is the earth's crust or lithosphere, the lithosphere is the outer most layer of the earth, and has a thickness of about sixteen to forty kilometers, and also has two parts, namely the continental crust, and ocean crust, both contain of rocks and consist of acidic and alkaline, but it's also rich in minerals, the second layer of the earth's structure is the asthenosphere, a layer know as the asthenosphere seath, or coating mediator, because it was in between the layers of the earth's core, and a layer of the earth's crust, asthenosphere is composed of nickel, iron, and silicate were hot enough, or the asthenosphere has liquid properties, incandescent, and thick, the asthenosphere also know as the magma, the structure of the third layer of the earth is the earth's core or barisfer is a layer of dense magma with a thickness of about 3.470 kilometers, and consist of a core of iron and nickel.
Based on its location, the relief of the earth can be differentiated into two part, namely relief on land, and on the sea floor relief. Relief on the maindland quite large, this is caused by the young mountains that form the tertiary era. Except that there are old mountains, mountain in the broken area or cracked eastern africa, and the letter is caused by the depression, in addition to the land, the relief of the earth is also found in the sea floor. The relief on the sea floor is relatively small, this is caused as if there is no erosion, relatively little sedimenasi, and also a very long time, relief on the sea floor caused any trenches, or a trog, or a deep sea basin, sea mountains, sea rays, and also the brink of the sea.
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