The function of blood is to circulate oxygen and food juices throughout the body, human blood consist of blood cells of forty five percent and fifty five percent of blood plasma, blood cells composed of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets, erythrocytes have shape like biconcave and not core, leukocytes have varied shapes, with a core of rounded and concave, platelets have shape like an oval and not core.
Circulatory devices consisting of the hearth and blood vessels, the hearth works to pump blood, the heart has four rooms of the right and left atrium, left atrium, right and left ventricle, between the right and life sides of the heart are separated by a septum to prevent blood containing oxygen mixed with blood that contains a lot of carbon dioxide, between atrium and ventricle also separated by valve, to prevent blood in ventricle flow back to atrium at contraction of heart. Human blood circulatory can be differentiated into two types, at first is small blood circulatory, in small blood circulatory, the blood from right ventricle flow to lungs and flow back into left atrium in heart, while big blood circulatory the blood from left ventricle flow into the body and flow back into right atrium heart.
Circulatory devices consisting of the hearth and blood vessels, the hearth works to pump blood, the heart has four rooms of the right and left atrium, left atrium, right and left ventricle, between the right and life sides of the heart are separated by a septum to prevent blood containing oxygen mixed with blood that contains a lot of carbon dioxide, between atrium and ventricle also separated by valve, to prevent blood in ventricle flow back to atrium at contraction of heart. Human blood circulatory can be differentiated into two types, at first is small blood circulatory, in small blood circulatory, the blood from right ventricle flow to lungs and flow back into left atrium in heart, while big blood circulatory the blood from left ventricle flow into the body and flow back into right atrium heart.
In the circulatory system can experience a variety of disorders among them, at first is anemia, anemia is a disease caused by a deficiency of hemoglobin, iron and erythrocytes, the second is leukemia which production exceeds normal limits, the third disorder is varicos veins, a widening of the veins due to swelling of veins, the forth disorder is atherosclerosis. Hardening of the arteries due to the accumulation of calcium, further abnormalities are atherosclerosis is the hardening of the arteries due to the accumulation of fat, abnormality of the sixth is an embolus is a blood vessel that is blocked due to a foreign object lodged in the blood vessels, the last disorder is thrombosis which is clotting of blood components.