Thursday, September 25, 2014

Did You Know Human Blood Circulatory System

The function of blood is to circulate oxygen and food juices throughout the body, human blood consist of blood cells of forty five percent and fifty five percent of blood plasma, blood cells composed of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets, erythrocytes have shape like biconcave and not core, leukocytes have varied shapes, with a core of rounded and concave, platelets have shape like an oval and not core.

Circulatory devices consisting of the hearth and blood vessels, the hearth works to pump blood, the heart has four rooms of the right and left atrium, left atrium, right and left ventricle, between the right and life sides of the heart are separated by a septum to prevent blood containing oxygen mixed with blood that contains a lot of carbon dioxide, between atrium and ventricle also separated by valve, to prevent blood in ventricle flow back to atrium at contraction of heart. Human blood circulatory can be differentiated into two types, at first is small blood circulatory, in small blood circulatory, the blood from right ventricle flow to lungs and flow back into left atrium in heart, while big blood circulatory the blood from left ventricle flow into the body and flow back into right atrium heart.

    In the circulatory system can experience a variety of disorders among them, at first is anemia, anemia is a disease caused by a deficiency of hemoglobin, iron and erythrocytes, the second is leukemia which production exceeds normal limits, the third disorder is varicos veins, a widening of the veins due to swelling of veins, the forth disorder is atherosclerosis. Hardening of the arteries due to the accumulation of calcium, further abnormalities are atherosclerosis is the hardening of the arteries due to the accumulation of fat, abnormality of the sixth is an embolus is a blood vessel that is blocked due to a foreign object lodged in the blood vessels, the last disorder is thrombosis which is clotting of blood components.

Did You Know About Layer Structure Of The Earth

The earth is the only planet that has life, the earth is a planet which has the third closest distance from the sun, and the earth is also the only planet occupied by humans, the earth has only one natural satellite such as the moon, the earth has the structure layer, layer structure consisting of the crust of the earth or lithosphere, astenosphere, earth's core or barisfer, and relief of the earth.

    Structure of the first layer of the earth is the earth's crust or lithosphere, the lithosphere is the outer most layer of the earth, and has a thickness of about sixteen to forty kilometers, and also has two parts, namely the continental crust, and ocean crust, both contain of rocks and consist of acidic and alkaline, but it's also rich in minerals, the second layer of the earth's structure is the asthenosphere, a layer know as the asthenosphere  seath, or coating mediator, because it was in between the layers of the earth's core, and a layer of the earth's crust, asthenosphere is composed of nickel, iron, and silicate were hot enough, or the asthenosphere has liquid properties, incandescent, and thick, the asthenosphere also know as the magma, the structure of the third layer of the earth is the earth's core  or barisfer is a layer of dense magma with a thickness of about 3.470 kilometers, and consist of a core of iron and nickel.

    Based on its location, the relief of the earth can be differentiated into two part, namely relief on land, and on the sea floor relief. Relief on the maindland quite large, this is caused by the young mountains that form the tertiary era. Except that there are old mountains, mountain in the broken area or cracked eastern africa, and the letter is caused by the depression, in addition to the land, the relief of the earth is also found in the sea floor. The relief on the sea floor is relatively small, this is caused as if there is no erosion, relatively little sedimenasi, and also a very long time, relief on the sea floor caused any trenches, or a trog, or a deep sea basin, sea mountains, sea rays, and also the brink of the sea.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fungi In Every Day Life

We have know fungi in every day life, although not as good as other plants, it is caused,  fungi grow only at certain times and in certain circumtances that support, and limited life time, for example, many fungi appear during the rainy season, in rotten wood, litter, and a pile of straw,  however this fungus die soon affer the dry season arrives, fungi are composed of basic components called hyphae. Hyphae from a network called mycelium, mycelium preparing false braid into fruiting bodies, hyphae in parasitic fungi usually be modified to haustoria, which is an organ of food absorbent substrates. All fungi are heterotrophic, but in contrast to other organisms, fungi do not eat and digest food, fungi absorb organic subtances from the environment through the hyphae and mycelium, then store it in the form of glycogen, because the fungus is a consumer, then the fungus depends on the substrate that provides carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and other chemical compounds, all substances were obtained from their environment.

    By way of reproduction and body structure, fungi were divided into four division, namely zygomycotina, ascomicotina, basidiomycotina, and also devteromycotina. Zygomycotina, this fungus lives as a saprophyte or a parasite, a type of fungus of zygomycotina including rhizopus orizae, better know as “Tempe” fungus, as used for fermentation soybeans in the manufacture of tempe phylobollus who life in dung, cunninghamella, parasitic on pine trees and choanephora curcubitaceae parasite on plants, glomus and gigasphora, forming a symbiotic mutualism with a wide variety of plants, including agricultural crops, therefore, both these fungi in use as a biological fertilizer, ascomycotina some types of ascomycotina members are sacharomicess and pennicillium, basidiomycotina, is an esample of this fungus is volvoriella volvacea, deutromycotina, for example of this fungus is mycrosporum.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Factors That Affecting Of Growth And Development In Plants

Plants will not grow on its own, without the presence of several factors,influencing the factors that affect of growth and development in plants can be differentiated into two types,namely internal and external factors,internal factors are factors that affect plant growth and development which is derived from the plant's own body,the internal factors in plants can be differentiated into intracellular and intercellular factors,the example of intracellular factors is gen,whereas intercellular factors that affect growth and development in plants namely hormones.while the external factors are the factors that affect the growth and development of plants,that are from outside of its own plants.

  Hormon are internal factors that affect growth and development in plants,several hormons the affect growth and development in plants are auxin,gibberelins,cytokinins,ethylene gas,abscisic acid, traumalin acid,and kalin.auxin hormone has a function to stimulate the unfolding and cell division in plants,auxin activity is influenced by the gravity of the earth and light of the sun,auxin activity is inhibited when exposed to sunlight,which is why plants in the dark will be put in place quickly higher than in light place,gibereline hormone also has the function to stimulate shoot growth,while cytokinins are growth hormone that can interact with auxin to stimulate cell division,another function of cytokinin is to stimulate the growth of leaves and shoots,ethylene gas can interact with auxin to promote flowering such as the peneaple and mango,abscisic acid has the opposite function with auxin and giberelin,which inhibits cell division and exposition,while traumalin acid has the function to stimulate cell division at the injured tissue,while kalin hormone has a function to stimulate the formation of organs in plants.

  In addition to internal factors, growth and development in plants is also influenced by external factors, external factors that affect growth and development in plants include of water, light, moisture, nutrients, temperature, oxygen, and also the level of acidity.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Natural Phenomena From Endogenous Energy

We are should believe that magma in the bowels of the earth stored in the pockets of the magma chamber,and has a power source,a very powerful source of energy in the magma chamber,sometimes pressing and forcing magma and other objects to get out into the montains of volcanic,most people call volcanic montain with volcano montain,one volcanic in indonesia that erupted with devastating is krakatau montain,and most activate volcano in indonesia this time is merapi montain is located border between yogyakarta-central java.

  Beautiful phenomenon of sunda strait,with the series of islands and krakatau montain,able to present the charm of the main attraction,as well as other volcanoes,though the krakatau montain is beautiful and enchanting,krakatau volcano is one of the volcanoes that has a very dangerous behavior,in the belly of krakatau,store the magma which stuck in the kitchen,and has a very strong pressure becomes larger and can't get out due to blockage held strong,there will be violent eruptions,magma explodes out into surface by releasing millions of cubic meters of rock were mixed embers,ash,dust,sand,and clouds of incandescent violet,its heartbreaking events that occurred in 1883,leaving the data that thunder could be heard more than 4,800 kilometers,and cause tidal wave,which are able to wipe out of life on surrounding islands,especially banten and lampung beaches,krakatau eruption resulted in massive flooding and claimed the lives of above 37,000 peoples.

  Besides of eruptions,endogenous energy can also be derived from plate tectonics,the movement of tectonic platescan cause earthquakes and tsunamis as occur in aceh and north sumatera,the tsunami's wave slammed into the mainland and destroy all be passed,the tsunami that occurred in aceh causing more than 170,000 lives was lost,even these,waves hit eleven countries.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Jellyfish is the nature Biotechnology

Some animals can produce the light such as a jellyfish, the nature of which can produce this light is a genetic trait,in the jellyfish's body there is a specific genetic code that encodes a protein that is fluorescent or may be phosphorescent,through the principles of biotechnology humans can insert genes coding for proteins in rabbits and plants,consequently rabbits and plants able to emit the light like a jellyfish,did you know about the biotechnology? Biotechnology is a technology that utilizes the organism or its parts to obtain goods and services on an industrial scale to meet the needs of humans,or can also be defined as the use of engineering principles and the organism,system,or biological processes to produce or enhance the potential of organisms and produce the product and services for the benefit of humans.

  Biotechnology can be differentiated into two types,namely conventional biotechnology and bioengineering modern,conventional biotechnology or traditional biotechnology is the biotechnology process that uses microorganisms, biochemical processes,and natural genetic processes,in addition to the conventional biotechnological process is still using techniques and  equipment are simple, for example of the conventional biotechnology in the production of tapai from cassava,meanwhile modern biotechnology is not only manipulates the environmental conditions and growth media but also manipulation done on the arrangement of genes in the chromosomes of living creature that is in use,one of the advantage of the modern biotechnology is an organism that can produce new properties that different in its nature,examples of the modern biotechnology such as tissue culture, cloning, IVF techniques, recombinant DNA,and protoplasm fusion.

  Biotechnology can be applied in the field of food,agriculture and and animal husbandry, medicine and health,and the environment.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Benefit Of Air For Life

Have you ever thought about life on this earth if there is no air? And have you ever thought that god has created something that is most valuable for human in the form of the air that we breathe is always free and do not need to pay for it? Probably most people do not realize it,the air that envelops of earth consist of several layers of different nature,a layer of air at the earth's surface is called atmosphere,composition of the globally atmosphere are troposphere,ionosphere, stratosphere and also exosphere.

  The atmosphere of the earth has very important role for all of life,without the atmosphere there will never be life on this earth,besides the earth will feel very hot during the day and also will feel very cold at night,the atmosphere protects the earth from the threat of collision of celestial bodies such as meteors,meteor coming into the atmosphere layer will be burned and turn into space dust before hitting the earth,air on earth has some element that is in need of the human life,plants,and animals,humans desperately need air for breathing by inhaling through the destination for the purposes of exchange of substances in the body, a lot of air containing dust originating from forest fires,smoke from factories and motor vehicles as well as a sprinkling of salt water over the ocean, the dust can be useful as a condensation nucleus,in the atmosphere,but if large  amounts of dust can interfere with vision and health.

  Plants was very need of some elements ,especially carbon dioxide and nitrogen,if plant lacks of nitrogen it will  cause disturb of growth,nitrogen can't taken up by plants directly from the air but should receive assistance of thunder or lightning ,nitrogen in the air can be brought by the rain water into the soil and nitrogen in the soil can be absorbed by plants through the roots.

What did you know about the Hydrologic Cycle

Look at the sky,it is very cloudy and rain will be occur? but, did you understand how rain can occur? water in the surface of earth is part of a natural resource that is in need on our life,early history of life on earth until now everything from the water and after millions of years,then most of the life forms that adapt to the main land, comparison between water and land areas on the earth's surface is approximately 75% : 25% its mean that about three-quarters of earth's surface is water area.

  The highest volume presentation of water is on the sea, thus the amount of water on earth is very much a salt water,while the water is needed for life on land is actually fresh water relatively few in number,fresh water comes from  the sea water after going through  the hydro logic cycle,what did you know about the hydrologic cycle before? Hydrologic cycle is a series  of water transfer process from one place to another place through evaporation,condensation,and rain and finally flows back in to place, or hydrologic cycle is a series of earth's surface water migration process from one place to other place to go back to their places of origin.

  Most of the earth's surface is water,either sea water, rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers, and water vapor in the atmosphere, ocean, and sea water if exposed to hot sun will evaporate, then will move vertically, if it reaches a certain point will condense, it means having process of condensation, and rain will fall in to the water, and will return to the sea again, as well as sea water vapor which moves horizontally toward the mainland suffered the same process if it reaches a certain point will condense and rain will fall into the water, rainwater falls on land partly absorbed into the soil and partly flows into the ocean,the water in lakes, rivers, and swamps are also experiencing the same process as the sea water, which is from some where then undergoes a process and will back into origin place. now, you know how rain can occur.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Solar System

See at the eastern sky in the morning, you will see the beautiful sun rise, and also look at the sky in the evening, you will see the beautiful light of the moon and millions of stars scattered in the sky night , and occasionally you will see a quick flash of light and immediately go away, it call a meteor or shooting star ,sometimes you will also see a glowing object that called the planet.

  Sun is the star at the center of the our solar system,sun is called the star because the sun could make spout the own light,it is almost   perfectly spherical and contains of hot plasma interwoven with magnetic fields, sun has the diameter size about 1,392,684 kilometers or 865,374 mil,it size also same around 109 times    of earth,sun has the mass size is about 330,000 times of mass earth,the sun contains of hydrogen and helium and also consists of heavier elements such as oxygen,carbon dioxide,neon,and iron. The sun formed about 4,567 billions years ago from the gravitational collapse of a region within a large molecular cloud.

  Other of sun ,solar system also consist of planet,any 8 planet in our solar system such as mercury,venus,earth,mars,Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus,and neptune. Earth also known as the world,earth is the third planet from the sun,earth is the densest planet in the solar system,earth is the largest of the solar system's four terrestrial planets,and the only celestial body known to accommodate life. It is home to an untold number of species including billions of humans who depend upon its biosphere and minerals. Mean radius of earth is 6371,0 km,and equatorial radius of earth is 6378,1 kilometers,and also have the polar radius about 6356,8 kilometers.

  In our solar system also have the satellites, earth has the one natural satellite, the natural satellite of earth is moon,moon will only be visible at night from earth,moon can't emit it's own light but only reflects of light from the sun. Saturn is the most beautiful planet because it has a ring around it.